All technical data is freely available online (, from the National Hydrocarbon Database (BNDH). The National Database of Hydrocarbons is a compendium and digital file -in the standard format of the oil industry- of all the geological, geophysical and seismic information collected through exploration and prospection activities of hydrocarbons in Dominican soil and sea since 1904.
This includes:
• 21,500 km of 2D seismic, representing a value of approximately US $ 100 million
• 1,491 maps, 805 seismic profiles, 212 well records, 321 records / reports, 209 magnetic tapes containing seismic lines in different regions of the country
Basins on offer

Cibao Basin
Map and overview
Located in the north of the country with 6 onshore available blocks

Cibao Basin Stratigraphic Column

Geological Map and Petroleum system

- Source Rock: Tabera Group is a hypothetical source rock, which is in the oil window since late Oligocene. Based in TOC interpretation from Logs (San Francisco-1 well) shows potential Source rocks in Guarabo fm.
- Reservoir Rock: San Francisco–1 well and outcrops has shown good reservoirs along the Miocene and Pliocene.
- Seal Rock: Several siltstone & clay from Oligocene & Pliocene.
- Trap: Seismic shows a highly deformed basin with high angle transpressive faults, positive flower structures and anticlines – All potential HC traps
- Timing: Potential deeper source rock (Tabera Group) would have reached maximum peak of generation during Miocene

Enriquillo Basin
Map and overview
Located in the west of the country with 3 onshore available blocks

Cibao Basin Stratigraphic Column

Geological Map and Petroleum system

- Source Rock: Three source rocks were defined – Trinchera Fm in early oil window towards the central part of the basin; Sombrerito Fm in the early to middle oil window; Plaisance Fm in late oil window and early gas window
- Reservoir Rock: Outcrops and wells have showed several Eocene, Oligocene (?) and Miocene reservoirs levels in basin
- Seal Rock: Several shales levels from Eocene to Pliocene
- Trap: Highly deformed basin with high angle transpressive faults, thrust and salt related structures, and fracture limestone.

Azua Basin
Map and overview
Located in the southwest of the country with 1 onshore available block

Cibao Basin Stratigraphic Column

Geological Map and Petroleum system

- Source Rock: Shales from Neiba & Trinchera Fm, Hypothetical SR from Jura Fm.
- Reservoir Rock: Conglomerate facies from Ocoa Fm, sandstones from Trinchera/Arroyo Blanco Fm
- Seal Rock: Marls from Sombrerito Fm & shales from Arroyo Blanco Fm.
- Trap: Seismic shows a highly deformed basin with high angle transpressive faults, positive flower structures and anticlines – All potential HC traps
- Timing: Potential deeper source rock (Jura Fm.) would be maximum peak of generation

San Pedro de Macorís Basin
Map and overview
Located in the south of the country with 4 offshore available blocks

Cibao Basin Stratigraphic Column

