
Welcome from Antonio Isa Conde, Minister of Energy and Mines for the Dominican Republic.

Thank you for your interest in the Dominican Republic.  Our nation has long been a destination for world travellers, enjoying our climate, our beaches and wildlife, and everything that the Dominican Republic has to offer.    From a business point of view, we have seen strong and sustained economic growth in recent years, and are proud of our communications and transportation infrastructure, all of which, we believe, will encourage interest from the international exploration community.

We are stepping forward into virgin territory but are optimistic about the level of interest already shown by international companies and investors.  We have worked hard to create an attractive, progressive fiscal regime, a robust, flexible contract, and have made all data freely available, in order to ensure that investment in the Dominican Republic will deliver low risk but high value to investors and their stakeholders.  In return, we see an opportunity to further increase the recent growth in our economy, to provide new opportunities for our workforce, and strengthen our emerging role as a pivotal nation in the Caribbean region.

Geological studies and nearby exploration have demonstrated prospectivity in the blocks that we are offering in this 1st Licensing Round, and that our position in this geologically interesting part of the world will lead to some exciting discoveries and profitable production in the future. 

I and my colleagues welcome you to the launch, to the Licensing Round process, and to the Dominican Republic.

Warmest regards

Antonio Isa Conde

Minister of Energy and Mines, Dominican Republic